Most dealers are still learning to use mobile marketing – and effective use of mobile will make your dealership stand out!
Emails are not enough.
Emails are an easy way to speak to customers, but can be very ineffective. While emails go to any of a customer’s devices, including computers, tablets, and phones, most of them aren’t opened and are too generic for a customer to feel they need to read it. Mobile apps and messages are quick, easy, and much more likely for your customer to read!
Phones really do close deals.
Today’s customers do research before they go to the dealership – and many will do mobile searches while they’re on the lot! Providing easy access allows them to find inventory they’re interested in the moment they’re ready to buy.
Apps aren’t just for the customer.
Your dealership already has online systems to manage inventory, but mobile can be used to tell if a vehicle is on the lot for a test drive, find exactly where they are on the lot, and even if they require maintenance or battery replacement! App data can also allow service centers to know exactly what a customer needs, when they need it. Custom information when you need it helps everyone!
Ready to learn more? Check out Dealer Marketing Magazine’s feature on mobile marketing!