Track the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree with us!

The U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree is making its way across the country; today it arrives in Alabama. You can see the tree at:
Brent Elementary School – 160 4th St, Brent, AL – November 20, 2019, 9:00am – 10:00am
Remember, you can see where the Capitol Christmas Tree is at any time at The site shows real-time GPS location tracking provided by FleetLocate.
We’re pleased to say that the Capitol Christmas Tree was approved by both Santa and Smokey Bear. They both joined in for the cutting of the tree, leading the procession as the tree was moved from Carson National Forest.
Did you know that Smokey Bear is actually from New Mexico, where the Capitol Christmas Tree was cut? That’s right– Smokey Bear Historical Park was established in 1979 to honor the town of Capitan’s favorite son, Smokey Bear. Nearly three decades earlier, Smokey was an orphaned little bear cub with burned paws, found in the aftermath of the Capitan Gap wildfire. Smokey Bear rose to fame as an icon for forest fire prevention and he lived in Washington, D.C.’s National Zoo for 26 years.

Where Does the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree Come From?
You can see the list of all the sources for the Capitol Christmas Tree over the years on the How It Began page of the 2019 U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree website. Since 1970, the trees are selected from a National Forest. National Forests across the country have donated trees since then. The tree donated by Carson National Forest this year is a Blue Spruce; other types of trees have included White Fir, Douglas Fir, Red Spruce, Pacific Silver Fir, White Fir, Noble Fir and many others.
Next, the Capitol Christmas Tree travels on to Georgia and then Tennessee. Track the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree on!